Yomi Toba
November 5, 2020
All effective businesses we come across follow the ARC principle. They must Attract, Retain, and Convert customers. By the time you swipe your card at the checkout line, and the store attendant hands you your items with a smile and a “Have a nice day!” you have completed the process. You are now a cog...

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Yomi Toba
October 15, 2017
I spent my Friday evening blindsided by a rejection. I’m not immune to disappointment, but this project came with a side order of divine vision. I distinctly remember dreaming of us closing the deal. Well to be honest, I dreamt of a face that looked like the CEO, and assumed it was a sign. What...

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Yomi Toba
June 21, 2017
When I look back at my days as a single able-bodied man, I can’t help but think of similarities between dating and business. From the first nervous introductions leading all the way to the awkward goodbye, it takes a little practice to shed the embarrassing denials. If you’re stuck in this awkward phase with your...

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Yomi Toba
December 8, 2016
MOST STARTUPS FAIL We’ve been told this so many times as entrepreneurs we’ve practically memorized the failure statistic (90 percent). Chances our little startup will fall in the gutter are so high, that entrepreneurs willing to go forward with their business are either: 1. Clinically insane – the crazy people, the blindly dumb or naive...

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