Delmar Divine
A high impact realestate initiative
The Delmar DivineTM is a social innovation, high impact real estate initiative. The goal of the project is to bridge the racial divide that plagues Saint Louis. The Delmar “Divide” is a notorious symbol in the city, a strip of land that geographically separated blacks and whites. The initiative, inspired by Maxine Clark, would attempt to redefine the region by investing in real estate along the racial divide that would encourage social activity and improve racial relations.

Designed to inspire
We decided to use color to highlight the vision for the project. The bright primary colors create a sense of optimism and ease, inviting the users to explore the website. The welcoming appeal of the website design ties in with the project’s mission of unification.
Site Design
Capture the true personality
At the beginning of the project we identified a design direction; we brainstormed the colors that would express an optimism for the project and settled on a few core concepts- bright, vibrant, and contrast. Using these concepts we were able to identify the personality of the project.
Designing the past
We created a black and white section for the website explaining the history of the Delmar Divide. Examples of old pictures are paired with grey tones that give the feel on an older time. The goal of the history section is primarily to educate the visitors of the previous challenges and contrast them with the bright optimism of the future.